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Design Review Application

Please complete the online form below. The application will be reviewed, and you will be contacted within 3-5 business days with any questions or confirmation of submission. The review fee will be added to your online account, and payment can be made online or by check mailed to the District. 

Resident Contact Information

Please upload sketches, drawings, plans, brochures, etc., as applicable

A $150 Review Fee is required with some Request Form Submittals. The $150 fee, made payable to Horizon Metro District, is due at the time when the Request Form and plans are submitted for review. Please review page 4 of this application to determine if a fee is due with your Request Form.

Generally, driving vehicles, including wheelbarrows, across District property is not permitted. However, when circumstances warrant, the Board of Directors of Horizon Metro District will consider requests provided that prior approval is requested, and the Owner advances funds as may be reasonably required by the Board of Directors to repair any damage.

The DRC will review each request for architectural or landscape approval and approve and/or disapprove in writing each such request (which may be with conditions and/or requirements) within sixty (60) days after the DRC receives the Design Review Request Form and complete Plans and Specifications.

Confirm e-Signature
Read our Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure
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