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Community Garden Box Reservation

Horizon Uptown Community Garden
Contract, Rules, Terms, and Conditions for Participation
For the 2024 Growing Season
As Approved by Horizon Metropolitan District on April 3, 2024


Horizon Metropolitan District (“District”) is a quasi-municipal corporation and political subdivision of the State of Colorado. The Horizon Uptown Community Garden (“Community Garden”) is managed by and included within the District and is made available for use by District residents and other members of the public as a neighborhood amenity. A map of the Community Garden is on the last page of this document.

The volunteer Garden Coordinator(s)(“Garden Coordinator”) is/are responsible for ensuring that the Community Garden contract, rules, terms, and conditions for participation (hereafter referred to as “Rules”) are followed. The District reserves the right to terminate the use of the property for the Community Garden and to replace the Garden Coordinator(s). The District will administer the fees described below.


The hours of the Community Garden are from dawn to dusk seven (7) days a week.


Each garden plot is connected to the community irrigation system[KP1] .  Any additional ‘hand-watering” with a hose and nozzle or wand is permitted. Do not water more than 10 minutes per plot, in the mornings or evenings. Always hold your hose while watering. Do not flood water your plot(s). Keep evaporation levels down by watering close to the plant base. Please do not water outside of your plot(s).


Garden plots are 4 x 10 and 4 x 4 feet in size.

Plots are assigned by a lottery system. Any plots still available after the lottery date has expired are assigned on a first-come, first-served basis. If more gardeners are interested than plots are available, their names will be placed on a waitlist and plots will be assigned as they become available.  A maximum of two (2) plots, per applicant registration, may be rented in any given season.  The second plot would only be assigned after all willing participants have received one.  Garden plots may be shared by two (2) gardeners. Each gardener’s name and signature must appear on this contract and each gardener must sign a waiver.


For the 2024 growing season, the following plot fees and clean-up deposit are required for the use of the

Community Garden:

Non-Refundable Fees:

• District residents = $50 per plot

• Non-District residents = $75 [KP2] per plot

Before a plot can be assigned, gardeners must pay any fees in full, and sign both the, “The Horizon Uptown Community Gardens Contract, Rules, Terms and Conditions for Participation” and “Waiver & Release of all Claims.”

Breaking any of the Rules is cause for exclusion from the Community Garden and loss of your plot(s).

• You will receive one verbal or email warning from the Garden Coordinator(s).

• If no response or correction has been made, you will receive written notice one week later.

• In another two weeks, if no response or correction has been made, you will receive written final

notification that you have forfeited your gardening privileges and plot(s).

• You will be allowed to reapply for another garden plot only after one year, and only at the discretion of

the Garden Coordinator(s).

 Rules, Terms and Conditions for Participation

If accepted as a gardener, I will abide by the following rules, terms, and conditions:

I use this garden at the sole discretion of the District. I agree to abide by its policies and practices.

I agree to volunteer at least two (2) hours of service to the entire Community Garden area during the

2024 growing season. Volunteer activities include, but are not limited to the following: weeding, cleaning abandoned garden plots, picking up trash, spreading cover crop seed or covering plots with plastic at season’send, re-cover plots, and general garden cleanup.


Once I have been assigned a plot, I will cultivate and plant it within two (2) weeks.

 I am responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of my garden plot. I will take care of my garden plot for

the entire 2024 growing season. This includes watering, weeding, harvesting, and any other garden

related maintenance. I will care for my garden at least once per week.


I will notify the Garden Coordinator(s) if I am unable to care for my garden plot(s) or I will arrange for another gardener to care for my garden plot(s) in any given week. I understand that if my plot remains unattended for more than three (3) weeks, my plot(s) is subject to reassignment. I also understand that I will be responsible to clean up all plant material, non-plant material including trellis, boards, wire, rope, string, weed block fabric, straw, produce towers, etc. from my forfeited plot(s) within one (1) week after I am notified of the plot(s) reassignment. If I fail to clean up my re-assigned plot within one (1) week of its reassignment.


I will not expand my garden plot beyond the boundaries or into paths or other plots. I will keep all my plants within the limits of my garden plot and will not allow any plants to grow more than six (6)feet high.I will keep my plot free of weeds, pests, and diseases.

I will water my garden or arrange to have another gardener water my garden.

When watering, I will not drag hoses through others’ plots. I will try to avoid overspray and be courteous

to other gardeners waiting to use the hose. After watering, I will turn off the water spigots, roll up the

hoses, and return watering devices to their storage location. I understand that all watering must be attended.

I will not water other gardener’s plots without their permission.

I will respect the tools, hoses, and other equipment provided by the Community Garden. I will clean tools

after each use and return them to the storage shed after I use them.

By the end of the 2024 growing season, end of the day on the first Sunday in November (November 3,

2024), I will clear my plot(s) of all plant material, non-plant material including trellis, boards, wire, rope,

string, weed block fabric, straw, produce towers, etc. by the first weekend in November 2024. I understand if

I do not clean my garden plot(s) by this date, the garden plot will not pass inspection. If my plot(s) fails to pass Inspection and is not marked as clean, I will receive written notice on or before November 15, alerting me to

follow up and I will be subject to a $250 fine.


Anything I bring from my home I will take back home. I will not bring household trash and leave it at the

Community Garden. Furthermore, I will keep my plot, paths, and surrounding areas clean and neat.


I will not smoke, use chewing tobacco, drink alcoholic beverages, use illegal drugs, or have open flames in

the garden. I acknowledge tobacco smoke is dangerous to all who breathe it, and tobacco is a carrier of

the mosaic virus which can kill some plants.


Guests and visitors, including children, may enter the Community Garden only if I accompany them. They

must follow all rules, terms, and conditions stated here. I will supervise my children at all times when they

are in the Community Garden. I am solely responsible for the behavior of my guests.


No dogs are allowed, and I will not bring pets or other animals into the Community Garden.


I will use only the Community Garden gates for access (ingress and egress) onto the property.


I will not apply any pesticides (bug killers) or herbicides (plant killers) in the Community Garden without

the approval of the Garden Coordinator(s).


I will not grow any of the prohibited plants. Prohibited plants include mint, raspberries, horseradish,

Jerusalem artichokes, and cannabis. I will not plant trees or bushes in my garden plot.


I will make sure that tall plants, and trellises that support them, will not shade neighboring plots. I will not

install a fence around my plot(s) without approval from the Garden Coordinator(s).


I will not take food or plants from other gardener’s plots. I will not take anything from the Community

Garden that is not rightfully mine.


I will keep the gates to the Community Garden closed at all times.


I will respect other gardeners, and I will not use abusive or profane language or discriminate against



If I use garden equipment from the Community Garden storage shed, I will make sure the shed is closed

and locked before leaving the Community Garden.


I will keep the Community Garden storage shed lock combination secure from others.


I will not bring human/animal waste into the Community Garden.


I will work to keep the Community Garden a happy, secure, and enjoyable place where all participants can

garden and socialize peacefully in a neighborly manner. I will not do anything to compromise the safety

of the garden or the community.


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